This is the perfect time to begin your 90-day journey with God!
“Well done!”
“I’m proud of you!”
The linguistic adrenaline of life. Nothing can heal and elevate the soul like a heavy dose of commendation and respect. In a world full of critics, we hunger for celebration from fans. Like the waves of the ocean, criticism and critique consistently flow with unwavering pertinacity in our lives. Thankfully, the Creator of this world happens to be your greatest fan and desperately wants you to experience the joy attached to heavenly approval.
This 90-day devotional will help you begin and end each day looking into the confirming eyes of a standing Savior. A Standing Ovation was written as though Jesus Himself is speaking to you. Listen carefully to His voice. As you inhale the beautiful symphony of a standing Savior, and hear His clapping hands of validation, I pray a smile of gratitude will stretch across your face as you rest in heavenly approval.